To find an item and add a price quickly you can scan its barcode using the app on your phone.
- From the item list page tap the barcode icon in the upper right next to the search box.
- If this is the first time using the feature you will be asked to allow PricedLess access to the camera
- Wait a moment for the camera to initialize and center the barcode so that it fills the marked square
- If the barcode is not readable or recognized the scanner will remain active until a readable barcode is found. You may choose to cancel to return to the item list.
- If the barcode is recognized and has been saved for a previously saved price then you will be brought immediately to the item detail page where you can choose to add a new price by tapping the + icon.
- If the barcode is recognized but has not been saved previously you will be brought to the item list page to pick an existing item or add a new item you wish to relate to the scanned barcode
- If the barcode scanning is working properly you will see a 'Barcode' field with a value at the bottom of the price page when adding or editing a price
Please note that you must save the scanned barcode to a new price record.